I conceived at 43.2 with IVF
I conceived at 43.2 with IVF [in vitro fertilization] and ICSI [intracytoplasmic sperm injection]. So far, so good -- I'm 15 weeks 1 day.
I used an MDL [Micro-dose flare] protocol with BCP [birth control pills]. I had a high dosage of Follistim, 600. I can't remember all the protocol details, but if you're interested I'd be glad to look them up and share.
My FSH [follicle stimulating hormone] had been ranging between 16 and 25.7. The month of the IVF cycle my FSH was 9. At egg retrieval they harvested 8 eggs: 2 were immature and of the remaining 6, 2 fertilized -- we put both back and are pg with a singleton. I have historically been a slow responder and I was on the protocol for 14 days. My nuchal scan was great, but just for peace of mind I think I'm going ahead with the amnio -- yes, I'm dealing with some demons from my past.
Success, only time will tell. If, I mean WHEN, all goes well I'll deliver at 43.10 (6 weeks short of my 44th birthday).