They see many 45-50 year old moms
We had our CVS [Chorionic villus sampling] test yesterday and have to wait 2 weeks for results, so I'm trying not to obsess. But the nurse was very comforting about the age-related factors I'm worried about, and even called me "young," saying they see many 45-50 year old moms now. So cheers to all of us!
And to everyone in the fertility chase, let me just say how much I wanted to call the pessimistic fertility docs I saw in the city we lived in before -- we were led to believe we'd never be pregnant (at least not without IVF [in vitro fertilization] ), and now here I am COMPLETELY surprised, watching this being move around on the ultrasound screen! It's still unreal. You just never know what life has in store.
by Gilda Dangot Simpkin
-- This is the heart-wrenching tale of our convoluted 10-year quest to have a family, from the serious, and sometimes hilarious side of fertility treatments, through two harrowing international adoptions. Our journey is filled with so many cliff hangers it reads more like a suspense tale than reality.
As you come along for our wild ride you will be clutching this book praying we don't get derailed again.
Our story of determination and tenacity will give hope to anyone facing a difficult life journey.
Let my story motivate you to attain your dreams!

Click to order/for more info: My Baby Chase

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