Pregnant at 44 through IVF
I don't have any personal experience with IVF [in vitro fertilization], but I do have a friend who got pregnant at 44 years old through IVF.
So it is possible.
I wish you well on your journey, and I hope you find whatever it takes to get a healthy one to stick.
I asked my doctor how old was the oldest healthy pregnancy he had ever delivered?
He said he delivered a 52-year-old woman and her daughter (early 30s) within months of each other!
He said the 52-year-old had no problems of any kind, and she wasn't trying to conceive either.
It was a total surprise.
I am 47 years old, and 6 months pregnant.
My baby boy is due in September 1st, making me nearly 24 weeks along!!
My last child is 15 years old.
I did not have problems falling pregnant.
But I do know it can be harder to conceive at my age, plus there is a higher risk for miscarriages.
by Judith Newman
-- Today the number of women having their first child over thirty-five has increased by a bazillion fold or some equally scary large number.
Newman is the first to write a book that tells what it's really like when a trip to the drugstore entails the purchase of both diaper cream and wrinkle cream; when "
getting your shotsmeans both immunization and Botox.
You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman is not only about having children later in life: it's about what happens to a marriage—and to the spirit when even the most sought-after baby comes.
Wry, warm, and brutally honest, this is the book for any woman — whatever her age — who has awakened at 3AM to the insistent shrieks of her darling and thought: Oh man, I'm too old for this.

Click to order/for more info: You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman