Pregnant at 44 with Acupuncture
After 5 months of Clomid last year and no success (thought we may have a luteal phase defect), we progressed to IVF. I did the Clomid challenge test and my day 10 FSH was 29! I wanted to cry. My estrogen was 127.
But I was determined to try anyway. We did two cycles and both failed. One converted to IUI but still no pregnancy. Then, just as we were going to start IVF number 3, our RE called us in to discuss the fact that he no longer could help us after 2 failed attempts.
I am 44 years old and didn't stim well enough to continue, he thought. I cried all the way home in the car. I then decided to investigate TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine), turns out even the large RE's offices have a list of acupuncture people and that there is proof that it can improve your chances of pregnancy.
So, I decided to try weekly acupuncture sessions and herbs. I also read about Julia Indichova and her book Inconceivable. Her office does phone consults and it doesn't matter where you live. Anyway, I had my one treatment. It went well and wasn't painful.
The next day was cycle day 23 for me. My cycle is short at only about 24-25 days. Low and behold, I got a BFP! Two days later it was confirmed by my OB. I want to preface all of this by saying that I don't think the acupuncture helped me to achieve pregnancy. It was a coincidence.
However, if I hadn't gotten pregnant this cycle I would have continued with this treatment. The whole point to this story is that my RE said, based on my FSH and age and stim response, that he was done with me, then I got pregnant anyway.
I am trying to be realistic about this whole thing. I have had lots of miscarriages and this one may end up the same way, I don't know. But this can give you hope if you are in your 40's and are upset and frustrated.
by Julia Indichova
-- One in six couples in America will experience reproductive problems. Julia Indichova and her husband were part of that statistic.
According to several fertility specialists Julia's high FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) level was an indication that her body was no longer producing fertilizable eggs.
Her only chance of conceiving, they said, was in-vitro-fertilization with a donor egg.
After a futile quest for a more hopeful prognosis, Julia searched through a variety of holistic alternatives and finally decided upon a personal healing regimen.
She followed it as single-mindedly , as one would follow a doctor's prescription of antibiotics. Her daughter Adira was conceived naturally, eight months later, and was born on April 29, 1994.

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