Pregnant 1st time at 48
At 48 years old, I am pregnant for the very first time, without any fertility treatments.
I had two donor implants which didn't work, one when I was 46 years old and another at 47 years old.
I stopped all treatments earlier this year.
Then, surprise!
I got pregnant on my honeymoon!
Isn't that perfect?
This is the first marriage for both of us...
by Judith Newman
-- Today the number of women having their first child over thirty-five has increased by a bazillion fold or some equally scary large number.
Newman is the first to write a book that tells what it's really like when a trip to the drugstore entails the purchase of both diaper cream and wrinkle cream; when
getting your shotsmeans both immunization and Botox.
You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman is not only about having children later in life: it's about what happens to a marriage—and to the spirit when even the most sought-after baby comes.
Wry, warm, and brutally honest, this is the book for any woman — whatever her age — who has awakened at 3AM to the insistent shrieks of her darling and thought: Oh man, I'm too old for this.

Click to order/for more info: You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman
I needed to hear this. Wishing you the very best!
Hi. I am 48, also married for the first time (as of 4.5 years ago) to a man 2 years older than who also had never married before. Since we married, we've been trying to get pregnant but with no success. We have not had fertility treatments. However, this morning I had a positive test! I'm almost afraid to believe it's true. I know that at this age, women often miscarry. But we're praying that it will stay. Will pray the same for you! Leah
Hi Ladies, I hope you are doing happy to see your post. I'm in the midst of an IVF cycle, ttc for #1. I'm hoping to connect with others for support. I just turned 47. I would appreciate and well wishes and prayers. Take Care