1st time, natural pregnancy at 43
First of all, one of my best friend: 43 years old (she will be 44 years old in December), with troubles of endometriosis and high FSH [follicle stimulating hormone], two failed ICSI [Intracytoplasmic sperm injection], is finally pregnant!
It is her first pregnancy, and it is completely natural - they were taking a break from medical assistance!
Everything is going well, she is now almost five months pregnant.
Yesterday she got the results of her amnio [Amniocentesis].
It's a very healthy baby boy!
by Katka Konecna-Rivera
-- Whether you never considered having children; or time passed while you were having too much fun or working on your career; or you haven't had luck getting pregnant for years; or had children earlier in life and then you decided to have more... you can definitely identify with this book in more ways than one.
The book shall serve as an informal guide to lifestyle, diet, exercise, partnership and pregnancy at this age, offering motivation, inspiration as well as strength.
Filled with practical advice, an inspiring journey, and a wealth of resources,
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I am 43, I will be 44 when I deliver my baby. It's been exciting and scary at the same time. I had a miscarriage last year, and in September of this year got an unexpected surprise and yes all natural conception. I had an appt. with my OB/GYN yesterday and she couldn't find the heartbeat, she could sense the worry in my voice and on my face, so she sent me to the hospital right away for an ultrasound. The tech couldn't find the baby on the ultrasound and wanted to do a transvaginal. A short time into the the transvaginal she smiled and said she was detecting a heartbeat and had to find the baby. She found the baby, explaining that this early in the pregnancy it is hard to detect the heartbeat dopplar or ultrasound. I am 10w and 5/7th. She turned the monitor and said there's your baby. I was so relieved and overjoyed at that moment that I cried through the rest of the ultrasound. The baby was moving and kicking so much it was hard for her to get a measurement and the heart rate was 175. Baby appeared to be healthy.
I was extremely emotional when I got to the car and cried all the way home.
My doctor said this pregnancy is going to drive me nuts, but it is all very worth it.
Best of wishes to all of you moms who are pregnant in your 40's!!
I got pregnant at 43 (naturally) for he first time had her at 44. I was high risk with diabetes and high blood pressure before I got pregnant. I was told at age 30 I couldn't have children, but after 14 years of marriage and no birth control all those years I was blessed and had a perfectly healthy baby girl! She is now 4 and the joy of mine and her daddy's life!