Our daughter born at 44
My husband and I both converted to Dr. Fuhrman’s plant-based approach to eating, enjoying a tremendous increase in energy levels, lower cholesterol, loss of excess weight, and we were able to conceive our first child.
I enjoyed two complication-free pregnancies, no small detail, giving birth to our son at age 39 and our daughter at 44.
While pregnant, Dr. Fuhrman helped tremendously with bouts of nausea, but there were no other complications.
Photo credit: cordayalec
Some rights reserved
by Richard J. Paulson M.D., Judith Sachs
-- In 1996, Dr. Richard Paulson assisted a 63-year-old woman to conceive using in vitro fertilization with a donor egg, and she became the oldest woman in the world to give birth.
This incredible example of how assisted reproductive technologies, or ART, can change the course of nature, raises tough biological, emotional, and ethical issues.
Rewinding Your Biological Clock is a unique exploration of each of these issues, especially the "how-to" of peri- and post-menopausal pregnancy.
Written by a leading fertility specialist and a health educator, this original and daring book rethinks society's most fundamental beliefs about motherhood, aging and life itself.

Click to order/for more info: Rewinding Your Biological Clock
Category: 44