Her parents were 50 and 48 when she was born
I have a friend whose parents were 50 and 48 years old, when she was born.
People often referred to her mom as her grandma.
Photo credit: ashilleong
by John C., II Jarrett and Deidra T. Rausch
-- This Fertility Guide provides a concise, sensible, appropriately scientific, but yet easily understood approach to modern fertility diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Jarrett and Dr. Rausch have translated their vast and highly successful clinical experience into a "must" for the couple who
want to have a baby more than anything else.
The most important contribution of this book is that it translates the
high techinto common sense and fills an important void in the specialty... -- E.P. Peterson, MD, Past President of American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Clinical Professor Dept OB/GYN University of Michigan.

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