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48 years old - and pregnant!

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Friday, June 14, 2019 | 0 comments

Image: Hang Loose/Sleeping Baby. Photo credit: Ricardo Marques on FreeImages
Elizabeth, 48 years old, 8 weeks pregnant:

As for my story, I have one son conceived using donor eggs, he is 3 years old.

My husband and I had tried naturally since I was about 40 years old, and had numerous chemical pregnancies, had my son in 2003 and conceived naturally in September 2004, lost that one at 7 weeks due to blighted ovum, then became pregnant again immediately and lost that pregnancy - it was a twin one, the one in the uterus miscarried and the other was ectopic out by my right ovary, fortunately, it died at 7 weeks and was reabsorbed.

Since then I had a brief chemical pregnancy in 2005 and nothing since.

My husband and I had moved on and accepted there would be no brother/sister for our son and just made love when we felt like it without taking any precautions, and this month was what I would tactfully call a very brief liaison about the time I was fertile, having a noisy and curious 3-year-old puts paid to long romantic evenings especially when he won't go to bed earlier than 9pm!

So it was a huge surprise to find myself getting pregnancy symptoms about 3 weeks ago, and even more so to see a proper line on an HPT [home pregnancy test], I had a positive on a Clearblue digital at what I guess was 10dpo (it was only about 22 days since my last period).

With my history of ectopic and blighted ovums, etc and our ages, it is hard to believe this pregnancy has a hope of producing a healthy baby one day but I am trying (not very successfully) to take things one day at a time.

At 48 years old, I have mixed feelings about being so old with a newborn.

I will still be 48, assuming all goes, when the baby is born.

But all my female relatives had babies well into their late 40's, so know it is possible and they lived well into their 80's and 90's and reared happy healthy children.

Image: The Long-Awaited Stork: A Guide to Parenting After Infertility, by Ellen Sarasohn Glazer. Publisher: Jossey-Bass; Revised Edition edition (March 13, 1998)The Long-Awaited Stork: A Guide to Parenting After Infertility
by Ellen Sarasohn Glazer

-- Parents who have wondered about the long term impact of infertility on their self-image will find the answers in this insightful book by Lois Melina, author of Raising Adopted Children and Making Sense of Adoption.

Finally, here's a book that's sensitive and responsive to the unique emotional experience of parenting after a long, arduous course of infertility diagnosis and treatment.

The Long-Awaited Stork gives you all the information, advice, and support you need to adjust to and cope with the special problems of parenting after infertility.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 368 pages
Click to order/for more info: The Long-Awaited Stork

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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost that precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted that there will be no more babies in our house.

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