Boy and girl twins at 47
I am 53 years old and was divorced in 1997 after 22 years of marriage.
I met a wonderful person in 1998, and we married a year later.
I have three girls from my first marriage, the oldest is now 30 years old, and twins who will be 25 years old this December.
In 2000, at age 47, we were blessed with a set of twins - one boy, and one girl.
The second time around is so much easier.
Knowing the importance I play in their lives has made me more patient with everything.
I love the time spent as a family again.
by Kathleen Smith
-- Kathleen Smith shares her experience regarding the three pregnancy losses she experienced.
The trials and emotional changes, the feelings experienced when being around other pregnant women after having had a pregnancy loss, how turning to God got her through them, and more.
Kathleen, a mother of three and entering her sixteenth year of marriage, relates her personal feelings and emotions.
As you read the book you will experience a conversation with Kathleen about this topic, and learn how one woman dealt and struggled with this topic.

Click to order/for more info: Marriages and Pregnancy Losses

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Category: 47