1st child at 44
I conceived all of my children naturally, without any medical help.
I had my first child at almost 45.
When she was born, I was 44 years and 11 months old.
Good luck to you all!
Photo credit: Sisters - a new baby sister to love,
by jamocha76 on FreeImages
Some rights reserved
by Thomas L Lyons, Cheryl Kimball
-- Endometriosis can disrupt women's lives. It is responsible for chronic, sometimes crippling pain, hundreds of thousands of missed work hours, and in its most extreme cases, infertility.
There is hope! Thomas L. Lyons, M.D., whose philosophy is to
treat the patient, not the disease, has developed leading edge surgical techniques to address endometriosis.
Dr. Lyons demystifies this puzzling disease, covering issues from fertility to dietary concerns, alternative treatments to surgical options but the main focus is on the key issue of pain management for this potentially debilitating disease.

Click to order/for more info: What to Do When the Doctor Says It's Endometriosis

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