My dr will be delivering 6 mothers from 42-46y
I went for my annual today with my Gyn [gynecologist]. I told him that I went to the RE [Reproductive Endocrinologist] that he referred me to and had a small % chance of success without help and only a slightly higher chance with injectibles, all based on a high FSH [Follicle stimulating hormone].
He told me that REs typically give answers based on statistics. He strongly encouraged me to do the injectibles for a month or two before I gave up. He told me that this month was unique at his practice, as he would be delivering 6 babies with mothers from 42-46 years old!
The one that was 46 years old, was having her first and got pregnant naturally!! He said he has lots of 40's mothers to be but usually does not have this many due in the same month. He assured me that I was very healthy, and he felt that I had a good chance of getting pregnant.
I said,"yeah, well maybe I have one good egg somewhere." He said, "Oh, I think you have a few." Very positive words from him!
I also wish i knew who this great doc was...
I saw my reprod specialist early this am as hubby was leaving for over seas. After a couple of weeks of testing and taking the clomid challenge and having a HSG!, it was very discouraging and sad to hear that my ovaries are not stimulated with the CLomid. My husband and I have been married almost two years, dated almost 5 years. We want a child together so much. I am turning 44 tomorrow and all my tests came back normal as far as the HSG and checks for abnormalities.
Please, I really need advice at this time.