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Just found out she's 7 months pregnant!

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Saturday, January 13, 2018 | 0 comments

Image: Photo credit: Sweet Dreams, by Lonnie Bradley on FreeImage
Photo credit: Sweet Dreams, by Lonnie Bradley
Ladies, thought I'd share at this board...

I was in grocery store last month and at the coffee counter I can't help overhearing this woman (not a young woman at all) going on and on about baby this, baby that, we'll need this, we have that...

I start looking at her and really can't tell at all if she is pregnant. or newly pregnant. or what?!

She is gabbing to a friend quite loudly and saying stuff like, with our history, etc. and I start worrying for her - thinking oh no, she is newly pregnant with some treatment and she is feeling so confident... what if something doesn't go right - you know what I mean, just sort of wondering at her situation.

Well I get up to the counter and the lady serving the counter says to me, Quite a surprise for her...she used to work here and just found out she's 7 months pregnant!

I'm totally shocked and the lady goes on to tell me the rest - her and her husband tried for over 10 years and decided to give up, then she starts having these twisty feelings in her stomach, going thru her change of life she figures, goes and gets an ultrasound done and she is actually nearly 7 mos. pregnant!

Can you believe this!! ??

Well I nearly didn't, but on my way out, the pregnant lady comes walking in with her ultrasound pictures and I just have to stop and say something... so I do, she ends up showing me these pictures of a perfectly formed baby in the ultrasound and truly about 6 3/4 months pregnant!!

I say to her, Did you really not know you were pregnant? and she says, No, I've never been pregnant, didn't know what it would feel like, I've never been a slim person so didn't notice any extra weight going on either!!! she says, I wouldn't believed it myself if the ultrasound tech hadn't shown me the screen and these pictures!

Isn't this an AMAZING STORY!! Here she must of been in her late or mid-40's to be thinking she was going into the change of life and now she is sanding down a dresser set and gathering baby gear!!

God is Amazing and that story and happening has been a little boost for me over the course of the summer as my husband and I struggle along trying to conceive #2....

Image: Surprise Motherhood: A Guide to Unexpected Adult Pregnancy, by Ophelia Austin-Small. Publisher: Calla Lilly Press /; 2 edition (December 27, 2007)Surprise Motherhood: A Guide to Unexpected Adult Pregnancy
by Ophelia Austin-Small

-- Pregnancy books on the market have one of two audiences - the teen with an unplanned pregnancy or the adult with a planned and chosen one.

Nowhere is there a book for the almost 3 million adult women facing surprise pregnancy every year.

Surprise Motherhood is aimed directly at that gap, telling the stories of Ophelia and other women who have faced unplanned pregnancy as adult, professional women.

With extensive information about options, paternity, career issues, postpartum depression, finances, and more, Surprise Motherhood is the only reference of its kind, and is sure to be an invaluable reader resource.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 196 pages
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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost that precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted that there will be no more babies in our house.

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