I will be 47 when the baby is born
I just turned 12 weeks today.
I am 46, going to be 47 when the baby is born, and already have 8 children, youngest of whom will be six.
I sure thought I was done with all this! I was shocked and not too happy for the first month, a little less shocked and a little more happy the second month.
After the shock wears off, I think you will become more excited about the new life within you.
I too am very nervous about carrying a baby at this age, and also the repeat c-section (this will be my 8th c-section, and the last one was a little tougher to get over because of all the scar tissue and trouble getting Steven out). So I am very nervous about this one.
But I figure that God put me in this boat for a reason, and He will take care of me. Having faith is the only way to get through this life-altering experience, believe me!
Photo credit: tracywade
Some rights reserved
by Kelly James-Enger and Jill S. Browning
-- Infertility is a mind-set and that every woman who experiences infertility is forever changed, even when she eventually has the child she yearned for.
When many women who have gone through fertility treatments describe their experience, they say it
abused their soul.
The experience may have also hurt their relationship with their husband and sometimes permanently altered relationships with their extended families.
Studies show that even after the desperation of infertility subsides, emotional wounds still fester and an asterisk accompanies her bundle of joy.

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