Successful births at 48
Your stories certainly make me feel young to find myself pregnant at a meager 40 years old!
But I have read several stories on this site now, by ladies of even 48 years old, all who have had successful pregnancies and lovely births.
Here's hoping all of our over-40 pregnancies are successful, and uncomplicated too.
by Jonny Bowden Ph.D. C.N.S., Allison Tannis MS
-- Eat the best foods for your baby's development!
Nutrition is never more critical than during pregnancy. What you choose to put on your plate affects you and your baby's health not just in utero but for years to come.
However, many nutritional guidelines for pregnancy are complex, confusing, and offer an uninspiring list of things to eat for the next nine months.
Backed up by the latest nutritional research, this guide debunks pregnancy food myths and uncovers a number of surprising food choices that are superfoods for expectant mothers.
This one-of-a-kind nutrition reference guide is also packed with helpful quick-reference charts and sidebars, highlighting healthy (but no less delicious!) substitutes for commonly craved foods like ice cream and potato chips.
You'll also discover the most up-to-date research regarding pregnancy dilemmas, such as how to get more omega-3s from fish in your diet while avoiding mercury. It's pregnancy nutrition made easy!

Click to order/for more info: The 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

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Category: 48