Pregnant in my 50s
I got pregnant when I was in my 50s (just last year).
She was a true Bonus Baby, a complete surprise.
My husband and I were shocked and thrilled about her birth - at the same time.
My sweet little daughter, Elizabeth, has been such a joy to us.
by Judith Newman
-- Today the number of women having their first child over thirty-five has increased by a bazillion fold or some equally scary large number.
Newman is the first to write a book telling what it is really like when a trip to the drugstore entails the purchase of both diaper cream and wrinkle cream; when
getting your shotsmeans both immunization and Botox.
You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman is not only about having children later in life: it is about what happens to a marriage — and to the spirit when even the most sought-after baby comes.
Wry, warm, and brutally honest, this is the book for any woman — whatever her age — who has awakened at 3AM, to the insistent shrieks of her darling and thought: Oh man, I'm too old for this.

Click to order/for more info: You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman
Hi Catherine
I am comforted to know that you got pregnant at 50. I turned 50 in Feb and followed through with my Plan B of transfering two donated frozen embryos just last week. (Plan A was hoping to get pregnant naturally) Unfortunately neither of the embryos survived the thawing process and I am devastated. I don't have any other children and met my husband at 42 but we had three miscarriages so we thought we'd try the frozen embryos. I am so devastated so your posting gave me hope. Any advice? Did you do anything different for this pregnancy? How old is your husband? My husband is 56.
{{hugs}} Brave New Mama!
These stories are ones I have found and collected online - not my personal story. For me, we first got pregnant together when I was 49 and my husband was 43.
I carried that precious baby for 8 weeks, but it ended sadly in miscarriage. We got pregnant 5 more times, all ended in a loss. The last one was at 54, which lasted 15 weeks before we lost the baby.
Now I am several years past menopause and we have accepted that there will be no more babies in our house.
However, I have collected thousands of stories of successful pregnancies - so there is still hope!
Thank you for your uplifting stories..It certainly gives me hope that it can happen to me too